Time Flies When You’re in Love!

jft1Since I’ve started using the “Daily Bible Reading Schedule” card for the new year, I am constantly reminded of God’s unmatchable power and complete awesome-ness! One of my favorite things to do when I read is keep track of verses that stick out to me. This one actually made me stop everything and smile–really wide!

“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.” -Genesis 29:20. I love it! Jacob loved Rachel so much that he told Laban, her father, that he would serve him for seven years just to be able to have her as his wife. But Laban gave Jacob Leah, the eldest daughter instead. Poor Jacob! Of course, we learn that because he loved Rachel so much, he worked yet another seven years to be able to marry her! Every time I read this verse, I am so amazed at Jacob’s persistence to gain the one he truly loved. God watched over Jacob, and Jacob trusted God. I will continue to strive to do the same, and I hope and pray that one day, if it’s God’s will, He will show me a wonderful, good man like Jacob.

By Hannah Smith

Last Chance!

bloglastdayToday is the last day to submit photos of your snow creations (angels, people, forts, etc.) to us for use in our Gifted Girls article next month.  You can send pictures to Info @ PierceMyHeart . com (remove spaces).

This is also the last day to suggest a new name for our beauty column.  The winner, who will be announced on January 31, will receive a gift bag of beauty products!

If you have any questions, let us know, and we will respond to you as quickly as possible!

– Davonne Parks

Reputation Matters!

blogreputationaUsually, when asked why I won’t do something, my reply is, “I have a reputation to keep!” This doesn’t please most people who hear this; instead, their response to that is, “You shouldn’t care what other people think!” To a certain extent, I can understand that thinking. For instance, I should not care what someone would think if I were to stand up for what is right among a crowd of wrong-doers. However, when it comes to reputation, I believe it does matter what people think. I will explain why.

We are to be an example to those around us (I Tim. 4:12). If we are off doing and saying things that Jesus would not do and say, then we are not being a very good example! Of course, none of us is perfect–and we will never be–but we are to try our best to have a mind like Christ (Philippians 2:5). People know what kind of person we are by our actions (Matthew 7:15-20). Even if we say we are a Christian, if we do not try our best to be one, they will not be apt to look to us as an example!

Others also take notice of who we hang out with. Often, teens don’t want to believe that they will begin to act like the people they hang around. The Bible tells us it will happen, though. “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits’” (I Corinthians 15:33). If the people we are “friends” with will not accept our ways as a Christian, we have no need to be affiliated with them. After we have tried our best to teach them, if they do not want to better themselves, then we must sever those ties, or else they will bring us down. Sometimes, there are people who seem to be our friends, who in the end, spread our defects, make us look bad, and hurt the reputation we are attempting to build for Christ. We have got to watch out who we are running around with, or others will begin to see that we are beginning to imitate their ways…which, if unrighteous, will be greatly damaging to our building reputation!

The Bible tells us what we are to be, simply! By becoming what God has commanded, we don’t have to wonder “who we are,” or “how we should live.” We will know how to be the right example! Here are some things God wants us to be:

Moral, having integrity (Titus 2:7)
Reverent, respectful (Titus 2:7)
Incorruptible, not willing to give way to the devil’s ways (Titus 2:7)
A sound speaker, using good language and words, and being uplifting with our words; they are powerful (Titus 2:8; Ephesians 4:29; Psalm 34:13-14; Col. 3:8-9; James 3:5)
Humble, meek, seeing everyone as above yourself, not being conceited or proud (Philippians 2:3-4; Matthew 18:4; James 4:10; Colossians 3:12)
Blameless and harmless in a world of perversion; (Philippians 2:14-15)
Joyful (Philippians 4:4; Psalm 35:9; 2 Cor. 12:9-10)
Caring, hospitable, kind & tenderhearted (Eph. 4:32; 1 Peter 4:9; Phil. 2:4)
Forgiving and loving (Eph. 4:32; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; Col. 3:13-14; 1 Peter 4:8; 1 John 4:7-11)

blogreputationbI know that it may seem like, at times, the Bible is just a “rule book” of “don’t do this” and “you can’t do that.” But when we honestly grasp all God and Jesus have done for us, why would we not want to mold ourselves to fit His standards? I mean, we don’t need money or power to become the things He commands us to be. It’s all inside us, and He’s willing to help us become all that we can be for Him!

I’d like to end this entry on this note: “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17). We can be the best example to those around us, as long as we seek God’s guidance in building a righteous reputation. Even when we mess up, keep trying. He knows if we truly desire to live for Him; He knows our hearts!

– Hannah Smith

Tuesday – Terrific or Terrible?

Last week, I tried to plant seeds of hope in the hearts of women who don’t like where they’re headed. My goal today is to help those seeds to grow.

Here are a few more things I’ve learned along the way:

blogtuesday11) We’re only as busy as we allow ourselves to be.  It can be very tempting to make excuses like, “Well, I have to do that,” or “This person needs me to do this for them,” or “I have to finish this by tonight.” The excuses will go on as long as we allow them, but it boils down to the fact that if we are so busy we don’t have any time for anything other than the urgent, than we’re too busy and it’s our own fault! Really look at your schedule, be honest with yourself, and see what you can cut (sports, dates every weekend, after-school events or clubs, working full time outside the home, etc.).

2) Excuses are unnecessary.  People can make any excuse seem too small, but nobody can really argue with a plain and clear, “No.”  Try to say something like, “Thank you for thinking of me. I think what you’re doing is a worthy cause, but I will not be able to help with it.” Keep it short, sweet, and clear. Saying “yes” or “maybe” when you mean “no” will confuse the person who asks for help. If you ask something of someone else, try to remember that they are also very busy, and don’t allow it to upset you or harm your relationship.

3) Keep God first, family second, and everything else after that. We need to keep God in His proper place.  There is a problem if we regularly skip our morning devotionals.  We may try to fit Bible study into little minutes during the day, but too often those little minutes became completely filled with other things. When we’re too busy to spend ten minutes a day in God’s Word, then we’re too busy!  When we are truly keeping God first in our lives, our families will easily come in second, because focusing on God allows us to push our worldly cares and desires away.

4) Re-prioritizing is up to us. Nobody is going to keep our lives in order but us, and even then, only with God’s help. If we want our lives to run smoothly, we have to be the ones to make it happen. Nobody else can do it for us; it has to be our own decision, and we have to be the ones to follow through on that choice.

5) Take advice from those who love you, and ignore those who don’t.  It’s important that we seek advice from people older and wiser than us who also love us. These people truly want what’s best for us, and can often see the bigger picture when we can only see what’s right in front of us. The people who truly care about us will let us know their opinions, but will also encourage us to make our own decisions. On the other hand, there are people who will give advice or say things because they want things to happen for their own gain. These people will get angry when we don’t take their advice. We have to develop a thick skin about it, do what’s right for our situation, and not worry about what the other people are saying.

blogtuesday26) Ask for wisdom. If we are diligently seeking God’s will, and asking Him to grant us wisdom, He will give it to us. When you don’t know what to do, study His word (which we should be doing anyway) and pray for wisdom. With God’s blessing, refuse to be a victim of your circumstances, and take charge of our own life! Ask Him to show you the way, then don’t be afraid to follow where He leads.

Wrapping it up

Every family is different; therefore, every family has different needs. If your Tuesdays tend to be terrible, then I hope that you will fully re-evaluate your life, starting today, and change what needs to be changed in order to meet the growing needs of your family and yourself, not just for today, but for always.

Davonne Parks

New Life

I apologize for the delay in posting articles. I usually try to make the posts in advance so if life gets in the way, they will still appear at the proper time. Life has been happening, in a good way, more than usual lately, so even advance planning has been put to the side.

Curious as to what’s been happening? I am ten weeks pregnant with my second child! Lisa (the other editor) is also pregnant with her third boy, who is due in May! Many of you may not realize that Lisa and I are cousins, but we are, so our grandma is especially excited about adding two new great-grand- babies to the family. We’re also excited because as well as our oldest two being very close in age (only two months apart), these two will also be close in age. Visits are sure to be even more fun and busier than ever before!

New Life: Davonne and MichelleAnd, we have a new spiritual life as well! Michelle Jane, who has attended my church for several months, and has done some volunteer work for the magazine was baptized into Christ today! I’m so excited to have a new sister in Christ!

I appreciate all of you for being so understanding when other things delay magazine work for a few days. We do have several great January articles ready to go, including a fun giveaway, just waiting to be posted, so stay tuned because all of you are in for a real treat for the rest of the month!

Davonne Parks

Danger: Hazardous!

Photography by Hannah SmithThis photo was taken near Grotto Falls, Gatlinburg, TN, on a family vacation. This was the beautiful part, obviously. But what you can’t see in this shot is the sign that was just below my feet that read, “DANGER: Hazardous Cliff.” Along the way there were also numerous signs that were equally, if not more, disconcerting: “DANGER: Falling Deaths Have Occurred…” I can’t say I felt exactly safe, but after affirming my surroundings and staying alert, I was more at ease.

Now that I can look back on that hike, I’ve noticed an analogy: In life, there are so many things that are hazardous to our Christian lives, but so often, we take no time to recognize those things, and they penetrate into our hearts. This causes us to be desensitized to how God has commanded us to live, and we aren’t cautious of what we allow into our hearts and minds. But, just like on the path to Grotto Falls, if we pay attention to our surroundings and avoid the hazards, we can see the true beauty and stay on the righteous track! “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

We must be constantly monitoring where we are spiritually, because if we are not careful, the devil will be able to trick us, and we will be in great danger. God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him, and He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able (1 Corinthians 10:13). Let’s keep our eyes on Him so that we will be able to disregard the hazardous things in life, and stay focused on the truly beautiful things!

Hannah Smith

Monday – Marvelous or Mundane?

I’ve heard many complaints about Mondays, but I love them! After a busy weekend, it’s nice to get back into the routine of the week. I am blessed to be able to work from home, so I’m able to take care of the house between other tasks, but I know many working women don’t currently have that option. Many women dread Monday because it means getting back to the same old routine of rush, rush, rush.

I used to work outside the home, so I know that it’s difficult, but I also learned that, for our family, it wasn’t necessary or best. If you work outside the home, or are considering working outside the home, really pray about and consider your situation.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way:

1) Our second income wasn’t as profitable as our first. Even with mainly free childcare, we were spending extra money. Our grocery bill increased significantly (no time for coupons). There were also additional costs in gas, car maintenance, work clothes, eating out (I was too tired to cook every night), etc. When it was all said and done, my extra income did allow us a little more leeway, but it wasn’t worth the strain it put on our entire family.

2) There are so many work-from-home opportunities. I browsed around on Inc Moms Job Page a lot, and was amazed at the legitimate work-from-home opportunities out there! If your income is necessary, this is a great way to do it. The hours are generally very flexible, which allows more time for family and study. Granted, working from home is very difficult, and requires a lot of organization and time management, but it can also be very rewarding and fulfilling. (Each link in this paragraph will take you to a different website with more, in-depth work from home information.)

3) Our attitude affects the attitudes of others around us. When working full time, I was stressed out all the time. My family’s actions reflected my frazzled attitude. We were all constantly tired, and our life became one big rush to do everything we needed to do with not enough time to do it in. My goal of having a home full of love and happiness completely went down the drain and my new goal became a desire to just survive. Just trying to make it through the day happens to all of us on occasion, but if it’s happening all the time, we really need to look at our lives and reprioritize.

Stay Tuned

I think I’ve given you enough information to chew on today, so think about your life; where it’s been, where it is today, and where it’s headed. If you’re headed in a direction different than the direction you want to be going, then something needs to change. Just for today, allow yourself to dream about your ideal situation, and about what would make your Mondays marvelous instead of mundane. I’ll be back with part two next week.

Davonne Parks

Just for Today

Welcome to Just for Today! When choosing a name for this blog, we blog writers went through several ideas in our minds, but kept coming back to this one.  Too often, we tend to think about the past, or work towards the future, but in doing so, we sometimes forget to also live fully in today, seizing the small, unexpected moments life brings us.  We hope  that, by holding ourselves accountable in a blog for all of you to see, we will remember to renew our own spirits, and to embrace each moment for what it is, just for today.  We also hope that, in doing so, we will inspire you, the readers, to do the same.

Just for Today
Also known as “Father God”
© 1995 Mark Schelske. All Rights Reserved

Father God, just for today
Help me to walk, your narrow way
Help me to stand, when I might fall
Give me the strength to heed your call

May my steps be worship
May my thoughts be praise
May my words, bring honor to your name
(repeat chorus 2x)

It’s always today

It’s never tomorrow or yesterday; it’s always today, just like the saying goes: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift – that’s why we call it the present.”

Today will be gone in just a few short hours, never to return again. Let’s embrace it while it’s here!

Davonne Parks