1 Thessalonians 2:4 “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.”
The above verse is very convicting to us (Lisa and Davonne), as we are often tempted to seek to please people, and we tend to worry about what others may think of our decisions. We have learned that in order to fully glorify God, we must instead care about what Christ thinks of our decisions, since we want to live our lives to honor Him.
As previously mentioned, we have recently decided to change the magazine format to encourage stay-at-home Christian mothers. (Go here to read our thoughts about that.) Since then, however, we have continued to feel unsettled about our decision, and have continued to seek God’s will in our lives. We feel convicted because we spend so much time working on Pierce My Heart and trying to reach women across the country that we often miss opportunities and lack the time to serve and teach people in our own communities.
After much prayer, discussion, and thoughtful consideration, we have decided to cease our ministry with Pierce My Heart, at least for this season of our lives. While we will miss writing and working with the other women involved, we feel a quiet rest in our hearts regarding our decision, and we know that we are making the right choice, with the Lord’s blessing.
We will continue to seek His will in our lives, and while we are setting this magazine aside for now, we may not put it aside forever. If He ever leads us to pick back up with Pierce My Heart, we will do so with joyful and willing hearts. We will leave the magazine online so the articles may be read anytime, and used as reference to continue teaching others about His word.
Some October articles have already been written, and will appear throughout the month, so please continue to check back for those. This will be our last month with new articles, and as we close this chapter in our lives, we are reminded of many wonderful things that have happened because of Pierce My Heart. We are truly thankful for the time we’ve had working in this ministry, and for the many people who have volunteered their time in helping to share His word with others. While it’s important to go to the Bible before any other source to develop our relationship with God, we hope many of you have also been uplifted, encouraged, and convicted as you’ve read the articles in this magazine and worked on your own personal walks with Christ.
We want to live life fully, joyfully serving God and our families, and we desire for other women to do the same. We hope that you will take every opportunity to joyfully love and serve others, seeking His will above all else in everything you do, and spreading His word to as many people as possible (Mark 16:15-16).
And, when any part of our lives comes to a close, let’s all remember that, “The end of a thing is better than its beginning…” (Ecclesiastes 7:8a).
May God bless you all,
Lisa Grimenstein and Davonne Parks
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