Hannah Smith recently sent me the following recipe with this note attached: “I found this ‘Chocolate Chip Cookie Prayer’ paper that I got in a girls’ class at R.U.S.H. at Freed-Hardeman last year. It reminded me of something you and Lily would enjoy together…” Hannah knows us well, as baking is one of Lily’s and my favorite things to do together (and hopefully something Grace will also love as she grows older!).
The recipe proved to be fun and full of learning and insightful conversation, but if I ever make these again, I will probably use our favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe and use this recipe as a lesson guide.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Prayer
We are unsure who the original author of this recipe is, so if anyone knows, please tell us so we can give proper credit to the person who wrote it!
½ teaspoon vanilla
Adds flavor. Write down the names of the people who add flavor to your life. Pray that their creativity and talents will be used for God’s glory and that you will appreciate them and all they do for you.
1 cup flour
Thickens the mixture and slows the beating process. Pray for the people who you wish you could slow down and spend more time with. Ask God to help you make time for your loved ones.
½ stick softened butter
Saturated fat–unhealthy. Pray for the people who tempt you to do things you know you shouldn’t. Ask God to help you overcome the temptations and be a shining example to all.
½ teaspoon baking soda
Rising. Thank God for all the people who raise you up. Ask God to show you a way to thank these people and to show you a way to raise up your friends and family.
¾ cups sugar
Temporary or false satisfaction. Ask God to help you be a true Christian friend. Pray that He will surround you with true Christian friends.
1 egg
Solidifies. Brings it all together. Pray for the people who fill you spiritually and make you a stronger Christian.
½ teaspoon salt
Seasoning and preserving. Think of the people who you have trouble dealing with. Pray that God will take the “bad taste” out of your mouth and make you more tolerant of others.
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
The bonus. The prize inside. Pray for the people who make your life super special. Thank God for placing them in your life.
Directions: Mix it all together, bake at 350F until golden brown, and thank God for your many blessings!
By Davonne Parks
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