Davonne Parks is the executive editor and a writer for Pierce My Heart. She has been married to the “tech guy,” Nathan, since August 2004, and they have two daughters, Lily and Grace. Davonne started this magazine because she has a desire to help teen girls get excited about Christ! Davonne has grown up in the church and, while far from perfect, strives to be Christ-like and have His love show through her. Davonne loves spending time with her family, traveling, chocolate, the color pink, baking, being outside, 50s diners, clean romantic comedies, and working with the Pierce My Heart staff.
Lisa Grimenstein is the assistant editor for Pierce My Heart, as well as a writer. She married her husband, Adam, in June 2001, and they have three boys, Noah, Drew, and Sam. Lisa has gone to church her entire life, but is still maturing every day. She has a desire to be a godly woman, wife, mother, and friend, and an obedient daughter of her Father. Nothing clears her head more than talking to God. Lisa is a freelance copyeditor/proofreader from home, so that she can stay at home and be a mom to her boys. She loves being with her family and friends, reading, cookouts, baking, the smell of spring, and Jane Austen movies.
Nathan Parks is Pierce My Heart’s site maintenance technician. Nathan also hosts the site, is interested in technology and electronics, and is responsible for keeping the site running and updated. When he has free time, he’s either working on his latest tech project, spending time with his family, or wrenching on his current project vehicle.
Carol Gartman is the the marketing manager for Pierce My Heart and the head columnist for “Heart to Heart.” She and her husband Paul, combined, have seven children and seven grandchildren. Carol accompanies her husband as he preaches each Sunday. She loves spending time with her family, and enjoys flower gardening, sight-seeing, old movies, painting, piano, and nature. Carol is passionate about this magazine because she feels a great desire to reach out to teen girls and to hopefully help them to make wise choices.
Rachel Conley currently writes the “A Girl Like You” advice column. She enjoys running, playing soccer, reading, and spending time with her boyfriend. She was fortunate to grow up in the church and to be raised in an amazing Christian family. She chose to write the advice column because she wishes to share the advice given to her by the godly women she has been blessed to know. She hopes that her column will help the readers to live happier Christian lives.
Sarah Ancheta has been a Christian since 1996. She is married and has a wonderful little boy. Sarah writes for the “Tough Stuff” and “In the World” columns. Sarah has been through many difficult situations and hopes to help others cope with problems they are having. Sarah also enjoys politics and hopes that she can better help teens and young adults see how politics affects them and introduce ways to get involved.
John Brown is the writer for the “Spread the Word” column. He and his school-teacher wife, Dana, are raising six children: Sarah, twins Sam and Shyler, Jacob, Davis, and Allison. John graduated with a BA from Harding University in 1984, double majoring in history and Bible. His interests include history, politics, his farm animals, old stuff, flea markets, and most of all his family. He likes to watch Hogan’s Heroes, The Rockford Files, the Three Stooges, and old movies, and likes to listen to Bluegrass music. John picks the banjo (but not as well as he plays the radio), and he likes being a preacher and only having to “work” on Sundays.
Shelby Garrett is the writer for “Dating.” Shelby has been a member of the church since 2003 and she is blessed with a great family and many friends. She enjoys playing softball, football, rappelling, reading, being with friends, and playing the piano. She spends her time doing a variety of things, but her main priority is serving God. Shelby hopes that by being a member of this staff she will touch the lives of many Christians and help bring more people to God.

Sherri Houmard is the writer for the Health and Fitness column. She married her husband, Chris, in July 2005. She considers herself blessed to have grown up in the church, and longs to become more Christ-like. She loves good Bible studies and strives to be like the “virtuous wife” in Proverbs 31 for her wonderful husband. Sherri is a labor and delivery nurse, and delights in seeing God throughout the entire process. She is excited to be a part of this staff, and hopes to help people live healthy lives and grow closer to God. She loves spending time with her friends and family, being outside, traveling, reading, all four seasons, ice cream, and making people laugh.
Michelle Jane is the writer for the Friends column, and she submits photos and poetry to Pierce My Heart. She chose to write for Friends because she enjoys making new friends, helping others, and teaching her friends about God’s love. She understands that our friends have a large impact on our lives, and she wants to express that understanding, and give ideas for new ways to have fun with friends, in this column. Michelle loves playing backyard sports, especially football, the color purple, and Dairy Queen french fries.
Megan Skinner is the writer for the “Top Ten.” She is interested in forensic science and has worked for a degree in that field. She hopes to get job working in a forensic lab. She became a member of the church in 1994. She enjoys hanging out with her family and friends in the church. Her interests include reading (especially fiction), cross-stitch, and racquetball.
Hannah Smith is the devotional writer for Pierce My Heart. She loves seeing God everywhere and in everything! She tries each day to let God work through her, and she wants to become more like Christ every day. Hannah is very thankful for God’s care, blessings, strength, and grace–and her amazing Christian family. She likes to sing, bake cookies, make people smile, go camping, laugh, blog, study the Bible, and just take the life she lives for Him one day at a time. Hannah hopes that what she writes will inspire girls to commit their lives fully to Him, and grow closer to their Father.
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