Monday – Marvelous or Mundane?

I’ve heard many complaints about Mondays, but I love them! After a busy weekend, it’s nice to get back into the routine of the week. I am blessed to be able to work from home, so I’m able to take care of the house between other tasks, but I know many working women don’t currently have that option. Many women dread Monday because it means getting back to the same old routine of rush, rush, rush.

I used to work outside the home, so I know that it’s difficult, but I also learned that, for our family, it wasn’t necessary or best. If you work outside the home, or are considering working outside the home, really pray about and consider your situation.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way:

1) Our second income wasn’t as profitable as our first. Even with mainly free childcare, we were spending extra money. Our grocery bill increased significantly (no time for coupons). There were also additional costs in gas, car maintenance, work clothes, eating out (I was too tired to cook every night), etc. When it was all said and done, my extra income did allow us a little more leeway, but it wasn’t worth the strain it put on our entire family.

2) There are so many work-from-home opportunities. I browsed around on Inc Moms Job Page a lot, and was amazed at the legitimate work-from-home opportunities out there! If your income is necessary, this is a great way to do it. The hours are generally very flexible, which allows more time for family and study. Granted, working from home is very difficult, and requires a lot of organization and time management, but it can also be very rewarding and fulfilling. (Each link in this paragraph will take you to a different website with more, in-depth work from home information.)

3) Our attitude affects the attitudes of others around us. When working full time, I was stressed out all the time. My family’s actions reflected my frazzled attitude. We were all constantly tired, and our life became one big rush to do everything we needed to do with not enough time to do it in. My goal of having a home full of love and happiness completely went down the drain and my new goal became a desire to just survive. Just trying to make it through the day happens to all of us on occasion, but if it’s happening all the time, we really need to look at our lives and reprioritize.

Stay Tuned

I think I’ve given you enough information to chew on today, so think about your life; where it’s been, where it is today, and where it’s headed. If you’re headed in a direction different than the direction you want to be going, then something needs to change. Just for today, allow yourself to dream about your ideal situation, and about what would make your Mondays marvelous instead of mundane. I’ll be back with part two next week.

Davonne Parks

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