Danger: Hazardous!

Photography by Hannah SmithThis photo was taken near Grotto Falls, Gatlinburg, TN, on a family vacation. This was the beautiful part, obviously. But what you can’t see in this shot is the sign that was just below my feet that read, “DANGER: Hazardous Cliff.” Along the way there were also numerous signs that were equally, if not more, disconcerting: “DANGER: Falling Deaths Have Occurred…” I can’t say I felt exactly safe, but after affirming my surroundings and staying alert, I was more at ease.

Now that I can look back on that hike, I’ve noticed an analogy: In life, there are so many things that are hazardous to our Christian lives, but so often, we take no time to recognize those things, and they penetrate into our hearts. This causes us to be desensitized to how God has commanded us to live, and we aren’t cautious of what we allow into our hearts and minds. But, just like on the path to Grotto Falls, if we pay attention to our surroundings and avoid the hazards, we can see the true beauty and stay on the righteous track! “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

We must be constantly monitoring where we are spiritually, because if we are not careful, the devil will be able to trick us, and we will be in great danger. God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him, and He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able (1 Corinthians 10:13). Let’s keep our eyes on Him so that we will be able to disregard the hazardous things in life, and stay focused on the truly beautiful things!

Hannah Smith


  1. Great job,Hannah. I`m so proud of you. Love, Grandmama

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