Archives for January 2009

Shoes – A Girl’s Best Friend

Solomon 7:1 “How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince’s daughter!”

Ah, just the sound of it makes me very happy. Shoes. At a time when many of us are thinking about our weight, and what fits, or doesn’t fit, it’s always nice to have the comfort of knowing that (usually) our shoes will fit us, whether we’re a size 6 or size 12. And so, since many of us may be working on a new weight goal, and we’ve possibly got some money from Christmas, let’s talk shoes. And what better footwear to center our attention on in mid-winter than boots?

One of the most important things to consider when buying a pair of boots is comfort. You can find the greatest pair of boots in the world but be miserable if they do not fit you well. While there are many styles from which to choose, and many styles may be popular, do not be persuaded to buy a pair, no matter how inexpensive, if they do not feel comfortable. Take your time walking around the store. Although some shoes, especially boots, may take some time to “wear in,” you should be able to tell the difference between the need to wear them in and the fact that they will never be comfortable.

As with all clothing and accessories, I do not recommend spending a lot on trendy pieces, which will quickly go out of style. (Although I did grow up in the 80s, and am appalled to see the styles coming back!) Spend your money on classic styles that will still be popular for years to come. If you want the trendy styles, try to find them on sale, or buy an off-brand with the same look. Spend your money on pieces that will not be outdated a year (or less) from now, and whose material will stand the test of time.

Now for the styles…

You can go with heels, or not. Typically, taller girls look better in flats than shorter girls. Wedge heels are very popular, and comfortable, if you would like a heel but don’t want to feel like you’re going to tip over. Boot heights range from ankle to knee. Ankle boots are great under jeans, when you want the boot look but not all the weight under your clothing. Knee-high boots look great when worn with a cute below-the-knee skirt or dress, and can also be great added warmth under jeans. Boot materials can be as classic as black leather or as trendy as fuzzy camel suede (which, I’ll admit, is a trend that has lasted several years so far).

Here are some popular styles, at a very popular price…
(Hover over the images for product descriptions)

A great pair of knee-high black boots, with stretch for thicker calves, that can be worn with practically anything.

Shorter black boots for less bulk, without compromising on style. These boots, which also come in brown, can also be worn with just about anything.

Great under jeans or cords, and are a fresh alternative to the Ugg.

Great under jeans or cords, and are a fresh alternative to the Ugg.

Cute and trendy (but not too trendy) wedges. Great to wear over jeans or with a heavier skirt.

Cute and trendy (but not too trendy) wedges. Great to wear over jeans or with a heavier skirt.

For you colder weather gals. Perfect for yoga pants or jeans.

For you colder weather gals. Perfect for yoga pants or jeans.

For the more rainy winters––and through the spring.

For the more rainy winters––and through the spring.

Slouchy, yet sophisticated. Wear them with black dress pants, straight-leg jeans, or a knee-length skirt.

Slouchy, yet sophisticated. Wear them with black dress pants, straight-leg jeans, or a knee-length skirt.

A great option for maximum style with minimum height. Again, perfect with jeans.

A great option for maximum style with minimum height. Again, perfect with jeans.

Equestrian-inspired style. Great under or over a pair of jeans for a casual, yet put-together look.

Equestrian-inspired style. Great under or over a pair of jeans for a casual, yet put-together look.

NOTE: The availability and prices of all footwear are current as of December 11, 2008. Prices may now be different (hopefully lower), and some items may no longer be available.

If you’re in the market to buy a pair of boots, there are few times better than mid-winter, when you can catch many post-Christmas sales. So gather up your (other) best friend, put on your shopping shoes, and run to the stores to find the most stylish friend a girl can get.

By Lisa Grimenstein

Just for Today

Welcome to Just for Today! When choosing a name for this blog, we blog writers went through several ideas in our minds, but kept coming back to this one.  Too often, we tend to think about the past, or work towards the future, but in doing so, we sometimes forget to also live fully in today, seizing the small, unexpected moments life brings us.  We hope  that, by holding ourselves accountable in a blog for all of you to see, we will remember to renew our own spirits, and to embrace each moment for what it is, just for today.  We also hope that, in doing so, we will inspire you, the readers, to do the same.

Just for Today
Also known as “Father God”
© 1995 Mark Schelske. All Rights Reserved

Father God, just for today
Help me to walk, your narrow way
Help me to stand, when I might fall
Give me the strength to heed your call

May my steps be worship
May my thoughts be praise
May my words, bring honor to your name
(repeat chorus 2x)

It’s always today

It’s never tomorrow or yesterday; it’s always today, just like the saying goes: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift – that’s why we call it the present.”

Today will be gone in just a few short hours, never to return again. Let’s embrace it while it’s here!

Davonne Parks

Suspected Child Abuse: What to Do

As a young woman, one of the easiest jobs to get is babysitting. But, what if you suspect the child you are watching has been abused? What should you do?

When I was presented with this scenario, my first response was that I could not imagine being someone who suspected that was happening to a child in my care. But, I know it happens.

First, let’s look at the signs. Sometimes we tend to fear the worst. Before we accuse anyone of wrongdoing, it is important to know the signs. Of course, most of us just assume bruising and/or broken bones that are unexplained or don’t make sense are signs of abuse. However, remember to be careful when judging, because some kids really are more accident prone, and bruise more easily, than others. If you are unsure, ask a trusted adult. A teacher or guidance counselor may be very helpful, as they deal with difficult situations such as these. They are usually trained on what signs to look for and what a child’s behavior and mannerisms may tell you. Be careful to not discuss specific situations with peers, who are generally unexperienced and will be unable to help, and may start rumors that end up being inaccurate.

Remember that not all abuse is physical. Sexual and emotional abuse also affect a child negatively. Abused children are sometimes overly withdrawn, act out to hurt others because they have been hurt, suddenly act shy when they used to be very open, or play sexual games, acting out what’s been done to them. I found a good website (written for teachers on a government website) that may help you decipher whether or not you should alert someone to the situation.

Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between spanking and abuse. Spankings, in general, do not leave bruises. As a parent, a spanking is acceptable to get my child’s attention if I feel as though they could get hurt, or they disobey me (Proverbs 13:24). However, abuse is more than just the controlled discipline of the palm of the hand on a child’s hand or backside. It is also good to remember that just because a parent may “snap” at a child, it does not mean they are abusive. Sometimes parents are busy, have a lot going on, and become impatient. While the parent needs to apologize to the child, don’t mistake that for abuse. Anytime a child tells you they were “hit,” make sure you ask what happened. Sometimes when a child disobeys and is spanked, they say they were “hit.” Before accusing, make sure you get some background information on what happened.

I spoke with a few people just to see what their initial reaction would be and what they thought they would do to remedy the situation. The first response I got was that the person would want to confront the suspected abuser immediately. I strongly advise against this. Accusing someone of abuse is a very serious charge. On top of that, it puts you and the child in harm’s way by letting the parent know that you are aware of the abuse, if there is any. If it is true, they could attack you and/or the child. If it is false, it would forever damage your relationship with the family.

In a situation such as this, I recommend calling your local child protective services. No matter how you know the family or your relation to them, it is important that the family gets help. If you are unsure of how to contact your local CPS, you can check in the government section of the phone book, call a local police precinct and ask for it, or ask a parent or other trusted adult. You can also look it up online through search engines by typing “Children Protective Services” and then adding your state’s name. The greatest part about using CPS is that it allows you to remain anonymous. It will open an investigation, yet keep you from being targeted by the family as the person who alerted authorities. Again, remember that abuse is serious, and so is accusing someone of abuse. If you suspect abuse, don’t hesitate to call, as the child’s safety may be in danger, but never accuse someone of abuse, or call CPS as a joke, or to get back at someone you’re angry with. When you do contact them, they will want to know the specific signs that you are seeing. Make sure you are detailed in your description of the alleged abuse and that you let the person know you do not want to be identified.

There are many different outcomes to a situation such as this. It could range from counseling to prison, depending on the severity of the abuse. If both parents are guilty of abuse, the child will usually move in with an extended family member, or with a foster family until their parents receive the help they need in order to be better parents. By alerting someone to the abuse, you are doing the right thing––no matter what the outcome is. Although it will be very hard to do, know that if you don’t seek help for the children, you will always remember the problem and later in life you may wish you would have done things differently. Even if it means that child goes into the state’s care and the parent is disciplined, you just may have saved that child from a lifetime of more abuse, and they will be better off because of it.

Matthew 19:14: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

By Sarah Ancheta

Magazine Mania

Magazines are everywhere; they’re at the gas station, grocery store, and library, as well as regular occurrences in our mailboxes. Many of us often flip through them to look at the pictures and read a few of the articles without giving it a second thought, but maybe we should think twice.

In preparation for this article, I recently flipped through a few teen magazines, and found some pretty vulgar things. Titles such as “How to hook the hottest guy in the room,” “The Pill,” and “Using Protection” fill the covers of these magazines. Inside the magazines are even worse! Girls are encouraged to take condoms with them on dates if they think intercourse might take place; almost every picture shows fashion as something that reveals most of our body; and gossip about celebrities is running rampant.

Some of you are probably nodding your heads in agreement, and others are probably shrugging your shoulders and thinking, “Who cares? It’s not that big a deal.” The thing is, it is a big deal! If you don’t think that looking at things like this affects you, stop and read The Heart of the Matter before finishing this article.

Now that we’ve read the article, and are considering the fact that maybe small things actually are “that bad,” what can we do about it? We love the fashion articles, the beauty tips, dating information, and advice columns, right? How can we give that up? The good news is that we don’t have to! We can continue to read the articles we like, but in a different way.

How to do it

Find good magazines! Pierce My Heart is expanding and changing to include the things we like in normal magazines, but from a godly perspective. There are other decent, godly magazines out there too (if you’ve found one, leave a comment about it below this article).

Lose the bad. This is the hard part. You have to make a conscious decision to rid your life of any and all trashy magazines, then follow through on that decision, so that you will only be filling your heart and mind with worthy thoughts, as we’re encouraged to do in Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” In order to fully do this, we must get rid of fashion magazines that tell us to dress in revealing ways, magazines that gossip about celebrities, and magazines that encourage us to be sexually active with people we’re not married to. I don’t need to name the names – you know which magazines I’m talking about. If you’ve subscribed, un-subscribe, even if you lose money. If your mom buys them for you when she goes to the store, talk to her about it, and ask her to support you in your quest to become a purer person this year. If you’re going to a friend’s house that has inappropriate magazines you like to read, take other reading material instead, whether it’s a book, another magazine, or articles from this magazine that you print off.

Notice the difference. When you haven’t been reading those magazines for about a month, you’ll start to notice that you have a better self image (you’re no longer seeing airbrushed models), a purer mind (you’re no longer being encouraged to engage in sinful behaviors), and a cleaner heart.

Be renewed

Ask God to renew your heart this year, so that you will desire to be pure, inside and out. Make sure the choices you make with magazines affect your desire to be pure; rejoice in that pureness; and meditate on this verse: “The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing in the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes” (Psalm 19:8).

Davonne Parks

Not Cool Enough?

“I have a great boyfriend who treats me decently and is a believer in Christ, but he’s not the coolest guy around. Should I let my peers’ words influence how I feel about this guy?”
– Sarah

First, let me ask you a question. Why are your friends not supportive of your boyfriend? It sounds like he is a great guy, with good character. If the reason your friends are not supportive of him is because he is not “cool” or “popular” then your friends are not being constructive; rather, they’re being destructive to your spiritual character, and you should seek other influences. I’m not saying to lose your friends; just seek the advice from other godly people. It is important to remember that you should be dating someone in order for that to lead to marriage. Don’t spend your time dating “cool” guys just for the sake of dating “cool” guys. You should be seeking a relationship with someone who is a godly man.

Here is something to consider: If the only reason your friends don’t think you should date this guy is because he’s not cool enough, then no, don’t allow their words to influence how you feel about him, and beware of potential jealousy tainting others’ words. On the other hand, if your friends have other, legitimate concerns about his character, and sincerely have your best interest at heart, then think about what they say, because often when we’re in a relationship, it’s hard for us to see what is obvious to someone who’s not emotionally attached.

It’s important to know who is building you up and who is tearing you down, spiritually. You need to be discerning and honest with yourself. Does your boyfriend build you up and encourage you in your walk with God, or does he tear you down? Do your friends build you up and support you in making godly choices, or do they discourage you when your choices lean toward biblical principles? If your friends are gossiping about your boyfriend and saying things you know they shouldn’t, then they’re probably tearing you down, as well as him.

Remember, Jesus was not a popular guy (Matthew 10:22), and many people gossiped about Him and spread rumors. He did not allow others’ opinions of Him or His beliefs hinder Him from what He was doing or change what He believed. Godly character can change the world. As important as popularity and fitting in may seem in our world, it is not nearly as significant or eternal as having godly character.

Adam Grimenstein

If you have a question you’d like a guy’s opinion about, please let us know!

Resolving to Read

Welcome to the new year! It’s a time of relaxation, renewal, and…resolutions. I’m sure you’ve been working on your list of habits to break, or establish, in your everyday life. Although I love the freshness of the new year, it can also bring on a challenging endeavor: to actually accomplish all of these new resolutions. While you may include exercising more, eating healthier, or getting better grades on this year’s To-Do list, I want to challenge you to not overlook one of the most important habits of all––spending time in God’s word. And while this may be a chore at first, I hope that it will soon become the one resolution you actually look forward to (unless you happen to love running and giving up sweets!). For those of you who have already been committed to reading your Bible daily, then begin the year by resolving to continue, even when life is busy and other things seem more important. And congratulations on already accomplishing the most difficult part of many resolutions, which is to start!

This year, Pierce My Heart is including a link to the Bible reading plan for the year so that you can glance ahead more easily than before. We’ll start with two very relevant topics for this time of year––the newness of Creation and life of man in Genesis, and the introduction of a new way to salvation beginning with the birth of Jesus Christ in Matthew.

Like most resolutions, made any time of year, you may have a difficult time reading your Bible daily. While I want to encourage you to find a time and place that works best for your schedule, and to stick with it, I also do not want you to be discouraged when you miss a day or two––or five. Read to catch up, or just start up on whichever day it is. As with many resolutions, there is no harm in re-resolving if and when you fall out of habit.

This year, while we struggle to stay on top of the many resolutions we may make, let’s resolve to keep one in the forefront of our hearts and minds––spending time daily with God.

The Plan

This year’s Bible reading plan was borrowed from To correspond with the 2009 year, we have included actual dates for your referral. You can print the list below to keep in your Bible, or you may choose to use the above site, so that you can read from your favorite Bible version online.

JAN 4 Rom 1-2
JAN 5 Gen 1-3
JAN 6 Josh 1-5
JAN 7 Ps 1-2
JAN 8 Job 1-2
JAN 9 Isa 1-6
JAN 10 Matt 1-2
JAN 11 Rom 3-4
JAN 12 Gen 4-7
JAN 13 Josh 6-10
JAN 14 Ps 3-5
JAN 15 Job 3-4
JAN 16 Isa 7-11
JAN 17 Matt 3-4
JAN 18 Rom 5-6
JAN 19 Gen 8-11
JAN 20 Josh 11-15
JAN 21 Ps 6-8
JAN 22 Job 5-6
JAN 23 Isa 12-17
JAN 24 Matt 5-7
JAN 25 Rom 7-8
JAN 26 Gen 12-15
JAN 27 Josh 16-20
JAN 28 Ps 9-11
JAN 29 Job 7-8
JAN 30 Isa 18-22
JAN 31 Matt 8-10

By Lisa Grimenstein

Renewed in Spirit

I love the theme and verse this month! Pierce my heart to be renewed. Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Let’s also look at verses 11 and 12: “Do not cast me away from Your presence And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit.”

Break it down

I just love that! Those verses were written from David to God. David had such a close and personal relationship with God, and that is evident in these verses. Let’s break it down a little bit:

“Create in me a clean heart, O God.” In the Old Testament, there were many rituals to prove loyalty to God, but David understood that a relationship with God is much deeper than just our actions – a true relationship involves a pure, clean heart.

“And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Renew means to restore, or make new. Steadfast means unwavering, or firm. David is asking God to restore an unwavering and firm spirit within him. Wow! Have you ever asked God to do that for you?

“Do not cast me away from your presence.” Do you love God so much that you never want to be away from His presence? What an awesome love!

“And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” The topic of the Holy Spirit is one that I’m just beginning to study. I don’t have much knowledge on the topic yet, so I will just guide you to 2 Timothy 1:14: “…through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you.” David wanted the Holy Spirit to continue to dwell in Him. There’s a thought to ponder!

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.” Are you joyful about the salvation we’re offered? That’s something we can rejoice in every day! This is much deeper and better than temporary happiness. We can take joy in all situations, no matter what the circumstances, just as Paul described in Philippians 4:11. It is so cool that God offers His love and joy all the time!

“And sustain me with a willing spirit.” Sustain means support, and willing means cheerful. David is asking God to support him with a cheerful spirit. Do we ever ask God to do that for us? If not, we need to!

Right now

Let’s meditate on Psalm 51:10-12 for a few minutes, as a whole: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit.”

As we make our resolutions and choose which areas of self improvement we want to focus on this year, let’s make sure that having a renewed and steadfast spirit is the top priority on our list.

Take the time, right now, to pray, and to study His word. You’ll be amazed at the difference it will make in your life!

Davonne Parks

Making a Hemp Bracelet

Have you ever wanted to know how to make a hemp bracelet? By learning a few easy steps, you can learn to make and customize a bracelet to fit your personality.

Gather your materials

1) Hemp twine. If you are only making one or two bracelets, you can buy a small coil of hemp at JoAnn Fabrics or Walmart for about two dollars. If you are making more than two, you should buy a roll of hemp (at JoAnn Fabrics or Walmart for about seven dollars). Hemp is available in many different colors at almost any craft supply store.

2) Scissors. Make sure they are sharp enough to cut through hemp. Fiskars is a good, durable brand of scissors that will serve well for future crafts.

3) Safety pin. The safety pin is used to hold the hemp in place. A three-ring binder can also be used for this purpose.

4) Beads. Make sure that two strands of hemp can fit through the bead. You can also buy special clay to make your own beads.

Prepare materials

1) Cut two pieces of hemp. The first piece should be about six times the length of your wrist. My wrist is six inches around, so I must cut a thirty-six-inch piece. The second piece should be double the length of the first (in my case, 72 inches).

2) Make your loop. Do this by folding both pieces of hemp in half to make a crease, then tie the creased ends together to make a loop that is about a half-inch long.

3) Attach the safety pin to the loop and then to something sturdy, such as a chair, a pillow, or the knee of durable jeans you’re wearing. The shorter ends of the hemp should be in the middle.

4) Mark the end of the right strand with a marker or a piece of tape. The marked side is the first to be used for each knot.

Making the bracelet

1) Knot the hemp. Start with the strand that you marked. Bring the marked strand across the two middle strands. Then bring the marked strand under the left strand, forming a half circle on the right side. Next, bring the far left strand under the middle two strands and up through the half circle on the right. After that, pull the left and right strands tightly and that should form a square knot. Repeat the square knots until your bracelet is at the desired length.

2) Add beads. When you get to a point where you want to add beads, slide your beads up the two middle strands. You will then resume the square knot tying.

3) Tie the end of the bracelet. Tie four strands together in one knot. Make sure the final knot will fit through the beginning loop.

The next time you find yourself wanting to make a hemp bracelet, you will have the skills and ability to do so!

Future note

Please submit photos of your snow creations (snow angels, snow people, snow forts, etc) by January 29 for use in our February article.

By Chloe Parks

Pierce my heart anew

Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays are coming to an end, we can sit back and really enjoy the calmness of the winter season. We can take time to meditate on the above verse and allow our hearts to be renewed.

Pierce My Heart has decided to do the same thing, in many ways! Some of our staff has changed columns they’ve been writing for, we’ve decided to take out a few columns, we’ve added a couple new ones, and we’ve changed the directions of some columns we already have.

Deleted columns

A few of our columns have been taken out to allow room for newness this year – but don’t worry! You can still read all of the old articles by clicking on the monthly issues and choosing the month you want to read.

New columns

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about topics such as abortion and homosexuality? If you have, then In the World is the column for you. Topics like these will be covered from a scriptural perspective so you can take this information and be informed when discussing these issues in class or with friends.

Many of us love fashion, but we also like make-up and hair, right? Fashion and Beauty is breaking off into two separate columns to give us more of what we like! Style Sense is going to cover head-to-toe fashions and our beauty column will discuss hair, skin, and nails. Fun, fun!

We all like behind-the-scenes looks into people’s real lives, right? Just for Today is a new blog about my life outside the magazine. Come, take a look, and I think you just might find that we’re more alike than you realized.

As a thank-you to our readers, we are going to begin hosting a give-away each month. This month we will be giving away a few beauty products, so check our beauty article this month for details.

New direction

Do you have a friend you’d love to discuss the Bible with, but don’t know where to start? Spread the Word is going to tell you how! Topics such as baptism and the Lord’s Supper will be presented here, in ways that will make it easier for you to speak with friends about biblical topics.

I don’t know about you, but I love to soak up the wisdom of women older than me. Words of Wisdom is still going to be here this year, but with a new name, Heart to Heart (taken from the name of an old column). Those women will have heart-to-heart talks with us each month, and we want the name to reflect that.

Gifted Girls is growing, too. We’re having themes of photos you can send in every month to be posted on the magazine, from cards to hemp jewelry, and more! Check here each month to find new ideas from young women that you can try at home yourself.

Friends is also taking a new and exciting direction! Last year had great articles that covered the foundation of friendship, and this year we’re going to focus more on having fun with friends, from anti-Superbowl parties to group Valentine’s Day get-togethers, and more.

We have several other columns that are headed in the same direction as before, but with newer, more interesting names, so stay tuned!

Same old

The rest of the Pierce My Heart columns are continuing to grow, but are headed in similar directions as before. We like that, because we don’t change just to change – we improve what needs improved, and keep the rest!

You can subscribe to the magazine, on the right-hand side of the page, to receive your favorite articles in your inbox the day they’re posted! Don’t forget about the Facebook Fan Club. You can join, and invite all of your Facebook friends to join too!

Our January desktop image is up, and our old ones are still there, so check out our Media Page and choose your favorite image to save as your desktop this month!


So you can have an immediate reference of when new articles are posted (or to check out our new columns), I’m including a list so you know when to visit the site for your favorite columns! On days when normal articles won’t appear, blog posts will, so be sure to check back often.

Jan 1: In this Issue
Jan 2: Gifted Girls
Jan 3: Devotional
Jan 4: Daily Bible Reading
Jan 5: Ask A Guy
Jan 6: Media Matters
Jan 7: Tough Stuff
Jan 9: Style Sense
Jan 10: Dating
Jan 11: Friends
Jan 13: Cooking Corner
Jan 14: Generation Gap
Jan 15: In the World
Jan 21: Beauty
Jan 22: Heart to Heart
Jan 23: Desktop Delight
Jan 24: A Girl Like You
Jan 26: Top Ten
Jan 27: Helping Hands
Jan 28: Spread the Word
Jan 30: Health and Fitness
Jan 31:Beauty contest winner announced!

Your renewal

Put on your favorite cozy outfit, make yourself a hot drink, sit back, and enjoy these articles, as you allow your heart to be pierced anew this winter.

Renewed in Him,

Davonne Parks

Davonne Parks