Archives for June 2009

Sunless Tanning

bb1We’ve recently had a two-part article about sun safety, and while we all know how important it is to protect ourselves, many of us still want to look tan. The good news is that we can look tan without compromising on safety.

Spray-on tan

Spray-on tans are generally more expensive than a bottle from the drug store, but last longer (up to two weeks), and they’re much safer and cheaper than going to an actual tanning bed.

If you want to try out a spray-on tan, call around to your local tanning salons to find out rates and ask for any specific instructions. You may need to take your sister or mom with you to help you evenly rub the tan into hard-to-reach places.

Drugstore tan

You may want to do a little online research before deciding on the best type of tan for you, but I’ll share my top three choices.

Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. This is a lotion-based formula that has sunless tanner in it, which helps prevent streaking. The smell is fairly strong, so I suggest applying this at night, then showering to wash the smell away in the morning. It tans gradually, with the deepest color appearing after about a week with daily use, so if some body parts do start to get too dark or streaky, it’s not very noticeable and all you have to do is stop using it for a couple of days.

Olay Touch of Sun Overnight. While the name suggests that this needs to be used at night, this sunless tanning lotion is fine to use during the day. The color starts to develop within an hour or so, similar to the Jergens moisturizer, but the smell is very mild, which makes it perfect for applying after a morning shower and wearing all day. This is my personal favorite.

bb2Banana Boat Summer Color. I haven’t actually tried this product, but a friend recently walked into church and her tan looked so real that I asked her what she’s been doing. She told me she picked up the cheapest tanning bottle at the store and tried it out. The best part is it only needs to be applied once or twice a week, so it’s less time consuming than the other moisturizers. This is definitely top on my list of the next tanning product to try out!

General sunless tanning tips

Wear loose-fitting clothes. If you put jeans on right after applying sunless tanner, whether in a booth or at home, some of it may rub off on your clothes. Instead, wear loose gym shorts and a baggy t-shirt until the tanner is completely dry.

Always shower, shave, exfoliate, and lotion up before “tanning.” If you plan on keeping the tan, you won’t be able to shower for several hours afterward in order to allow the solution time to set on your skin. Shaving and exfoliating will help the tanner to stay on longer, because it will get rid of dead skin cells and allow the tanner to penetrate deeper into healthy skin. The lotion will help the tanner to go on smoothly, and keep it from getting too dark in one area.

Follow instructions. Read all labels and instructions completely and carefully, taking special note of their ingredients if you have allergies.

Healthy glow without the risk

If you want that “healthy” summer glow (which actually isn’t healthy), try using a sunless tanner to achieve the look, then slather up with sunscreen to protect yourself when you’re in the sun. In cases like this, you really can have the best of both worlds.

Ecclesiastes 11:7 “The light is pleasant, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun.”

By Davonne Parks

The Ultimate Staycation

fam1It’s summertime, and that means vacation time! However, many families may either be too busy to take a full vacation away from home, or they are not financially able to do so this year. So, why not recommend a family staycation this summer! In case you’re not familiar with one, a staycation is a fairly new term for a vacation that’s done at home. Many families are now choosing to stay home––or close to home––rather than taking big, extended trips out of town.

The Plan

Planning a staycation can be a lot of fun, and fairly simple. First, come up with a budget and date. You may choose to spend a solid weekend for your staycation, or spread it out over a week or two. Or, if your parents can’t take time off work, plan on doing a different, and simple, activity each night when everyone is home. That’s the great thing about it––it’s totally flexible. Next, discuss with your family what you’d all like to do. You may choose to do one big thing that you’d all enjoy, such as a camping trip to a nearby state park. Or, you could decide on a time frame and let each person choose an activity he or she would like the family to do together (keeping the budget in mind). Below are some fun family staycation ideas, but be creative and come up with some of your own also!

Backyard Campout

No state or local park nearby? Camp out in your own backyard! One benefit? You have your own bathrooms. Grab your camping gear and head out to the great outdoors. Pitch a tent together, make a fire (just check with your local fire codes first), and roast some hotdogs for dinner. Then spend the evening playing cards or talking and looking at the stars. If you don’t have the yard for a campout, pull out some sleeping bags and camp out in your family room. Just the variation alone will make it a special time. And don’t forget the s’mores!


fam2The zoo is an easy idea that the entire family can enjoy. Pack your own snacks and lunches to save money, and head out to see some of the amazing animals that God created. Or try out an aquarium if you live near one. Some great zoos around the country (if you live within driving distance) are the San Diego Zoo, the Columbus Zoo, the Cincinnati Zoo, the Memphis Zoo, and the St. Louis Zoo.

Whitewater Rafting/Canoeing

If you live near a river (and have an adventurous family), you may have the exciting option of spending a day on the water. Check your area for whitewater rafting or canoeing guides and availability. Bring a picnic lunch (use waterproof packaging!) and spend the day with your family braving the rapids.


Many cities have a great selection of museums and science and art centers. If someone in your family enjoys science, history, or art, he or she may choose for the family to spend an afternoon touring a museum or historical site. Bring a lunch to eat nearby at a local park, or find a new, fun restaurant you haven’t tried yet.

Amusement park

If your family lives near an amusement park, this might be the staycation idea for you! Get there early (and on a weekday, if possible) to beat some of the crowds, and bring your own snacks and lunches, since park prices are usually very high. Remember to consider younger siblings who may not be old enough or tall enough to ride some of the rides. Research your amusement park to find activities the entire family can enjoy.

Pizza/movie night, homemade ice cream

A great staycation doesn’t mean you have to even leave your house. One person in your family may opt for the enjoyable idea of some time spent at home with the family, doing something you’re all often too busy to do. Have a pizza and movie night, or cookout and make some homemade ice cream to kick off the start of summer. (No ice cream maker? Check out this super-easy recipe.) Pull out a fun family game, or set up the croquet set or volleyball net.

Ready, Set, Go!

fam4Enough ideas! It’s your turn. God has given us our families (Ephesians 3:14-15), so let’s take the time to appreciate them and have fun with them! Get your family together and discuss some fun options for this latest trend––the family staycation. I’ve given you just a few suggestions, but every family is different. Come up with some unique and creative ideas that your family can enjoy, close to home and much cheaper than the typical family retreat. And don’t forget to take pictures!

By Lisa Grimenstein

Top Career Fields

itw2Choosing a career is not easy. There are so many choices and specialties out there that the possibilities are seemingly endless. From healthcare to accounting, business to law, there are many jobs, each claiming to be the best.

I wanted this list to be about more than the job salary. Actually, I didn’t want that to be a factor at all. Choosing a career is important because it is something that we plan on doing every day for about 30 years (or more). It needs to be something you enjoy doing and something that you will not be apt to get bored with quickly. This is a list of the careers that are projected to be the fastest growing in the United States. With growing fields it can make it easier to find work within that job market once you are able to meet the qualifications.

1.Physician’s Assistant (P.A.)––Believe it or not, being a P.A. is really becoming popular. Physician’s assistants are able to see patients without supervision (their charts are usually looked over and signed off on by a physician after treatment, however), and they can write prescriptions (for certain medications). According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, a physician’s assistant is the fastest growing career field.

2.Physical Therapist––Those in this career field work with the elderly and disabled/injured to help them move and keep their bodies physically able to move.

3.Manicurists and Pedicurists––Even through the hard economic times our country has faced it seems as though those in this career stay busy.

4.Environmental Scientist––Examining and cleaning up waste, protecting the environment from harm, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

5.Computer Software Engineers––Two words: Bill Gates. While there is no guarantee to be as big in the business as he is, this industry is quickly growing. There is room for imagination and there always seems to be something new available.

itw36.Database Administrators––These are the people who manage stored information (customer information or inventories). One part of this career field that is especially significant is patient data. It has to be secure and stored accurately or it could cost people their lives.

7.Dental Assistants––This field provides much preventative care to older patients and usually does the cleaning that you receive as well.

8.Social Workers––Whether you would be a child’s advocate or work with mentally disabled individuals or substance abuse patients, this is a growing field.

9.Veterinary Technologist––If you love animals, this may be a good field to consider.

10.Personal and Home Care Aids––These are people that go into people’s homes and assist them when they are ill. From helping them to the restroom to making sure they take the correct medication, this is a field that really helps others be able to stay at their home rather than go to a nursing home or hospital.

With the job market being so competitive these days, it can be tough to make a decision of this caliber. What if you make a decision and get into a field that has few jobs? That is always a risk. However, try to keep your mind open to other possibilities. If you say you are going to be a nurse and then have a hard time finding a job, be willing to try other jobs (such as a personal or homecare aid). Sometimes it is even necessary to step outside your comfort zone and try something completely different. You may not realize the array of talent God has given you unless you try something. No matter what career choice you make, remember that being a Christian should be your first priority above all else.

By Sarah Ancheta

Your Way, Right Away

jft1Ever notice how convenient our culture has become? This seems to be a great thing; however, if we really think about it, it encourages our impatience. The Bible tells us to be patient and wait upon the Lord. Psalm 37:7: “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him.”

In today’s culture, we can easily get caught up in getting what we want, when we want it. One popular car commercial states, “I want it all, and I want it now.” As if that’s okay. If that’s what we want, then it’s normal and we should get it. Yes, it’s nice that we don’t have to wait days for the mail to come to hear from a dear friend––we have email. We don’t have to wait for a late friend to show up for a date––she can call or text us and tell us she’s on her way. We don’t even have to wait long for dinner, since everything can be pre-packaged, and if we really want to, we can just zip through a drive-thru on the way home. No waiting.

But how patient does that make us? How impatient does that make us when God doesn’t do what we want right away? His timing is perfect. “For He says, ‘In the time of my favor I heard you’” (2 Corinthians 6:2). In this busy world, where we are tempted to think that we deserve whatever we want, and we should get it the second we want it, we need to remember that only God can see the big picture, and that many times, by our waiting, He is growing us and preparing us for His work.

By Lisa Grimenstein

Sun Safety: Prevention and After-Care

haf11We recently discussed how to protect against sun exposure by using sunscreen and protective layers, so please read that article, then come back here.

Tanning beds

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during the most intense times (10am-4pm). It’s also important to avoid tanning beds. These beds have lamps that use the same light as the sun, only instead of the sun’s rays which are bouncing off of the trees, pavement, buildings, and you, the lamps are focused only on you. Some medications make you more sensitive to sun exposure, causing you to burn more easily. Check your prescription and over-the-counter medication labels, as sun sensitivity will be listed if it is a side effect.

Self exam

Conduct skin exams over your entire body once a month, standing in front of a full-length mirror. Be sure to use a smaller, hand-held mirror to examine all hard-to-see places, and lift up your hair around your neck, ears, and forehead. Become familiar with the pattern of moles, freckles, and any other marks on your skin so that you will notice any changes in them. Watch any bumps or moles to make sure they are not changing in shape, color, or size, and watch for any new growths or any sores that won’t heal. Show your doctor anything that concerns you. People with moles, freckles, fair skin/hair, and a personal or family history of skin cancer need to be more careful and aware of their sun exposure (but don’t assume you’re exempt if you don’t have these characteristics).


haf3If you do get a sunburn, stay in the shade, as any additional sun exposure will increase pain and the severity of the burn. Take a cool bath or shower or apply cool compresses to alleviate the heat and pain of the burn. Apply aloe vera gel, which is excellent for soothing the burn and quickening healing. You can take a pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (aspirin), or use the spray-on “after burn” pain relievers (remember to always talk to your doctor before taking any medicine). If the sunburn is severe, looks infected, or blisters begin to develop, call your doctor. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are also a possibility in warmer weather when one becomes sunburned, dehydrated, or overheated. Call your doctor if you experience an unexplained fever, trouble looking at light, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, or mental confusion.

Safe fun

Get outside and enjoy that beautiful weather that God has given us. “…you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near” (Luke 21:30 NKJV). Do not be afraid to take your activities outside; just be aware of what your body is telling you. Learn as much as you can to protect yourself and your family, keeping your bodies healthy so that you can continue to serve and praise God to your full ability. As with all activities, make sure you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. By the way, have you reapplied that sunscreen lately?

By Sherri Houmard

Sun Safety: Protection

haf11Summer has arrived. It’s beautiful out and the sun is shining, which means more outdoor activities . Getting some sun is good for us. The sun provides us with vitamin D, which allows our bodies to absorb and use calcium. Not to mention, the sun is one of God’s most beautiful creations. “Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:16-18, NKJV).

Being out in the sun can make us feel great, but over-exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause premature aging and skin cancer. The damage may not be visible now, but the sun damage appears over time with slowly sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, freckles, and age spots. Nothing can undo the damage that has already been done to your skin, but it’s never too late to begin caring for your skin now, to prevent additional damage.

Protect with Sunscreen

Sunscreen should be a part of your everyday skincare routine. Many skincare products, such as lotions, moisturizers, foundations, and lip balms/lipsticks now contain an SPF. When choosing a sunscreen, an SPF of 15 or higher is recommended for protecting against both UVA and UVB rays. Read the label to see how long before sun exposure you should apply the sunscreen and how often to reapply. Typically, you should apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2 hours, if the label does not specify certain times. Remember that the SPF tells how long a sunscreen will last, not how powerful it is, so choose a sunscreen with a high SPF to keep from having to constantly reapply. Make sure to reapply sunscreen after swimming and after activities where you are sweating.

haf2The term “waterproof” on a sunscreen bottle is deceiving. No sunscreen can be kept from washing off. Some of the ingredients may help certain sunscreens to be more water resistant than others, but all sunscreen eventually washes off and must be reapplied. Remember to apply sunscreen liberally! An average-sized adult needs approximately 2 tablespoons of sunscreen for skin to be appropriately covered. Make sure you remember your lips, ears, neck, and underneath the shoulders of sleeveless shirts (most tops will shift at some point).

Protect with layers

If you are not swimming, cover up with long sleeves, pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses. Make sure your sunglasses aren’t just making a fashion statement. Sunglasses should have protection from UVA and UVB light, and should be labeled as such. Alternate your time in the sun with time in the shade. Remember that even on an overcast or windy day, you can still become sunburned. The sun’s rays are able to penetrate through the clouds and reflect off of sand, water, and pavement. A windy day can be deceiving, as you can be unaware that your skin is burning since the wind keeps your skin feeling cool.

Coming up

In a future article, we’ll discuss tanning beds, self skin exams, and sunburn care, so check back soon!

By Sherri Houmard

Our Main Work

dbr1“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” (Philippians 1:9–11)

Our reading this month is filled with verses on the subject of work. In Proverbs, we are told to work (12:11), and are warned against laziness (6:6–11). We are told in Galatians to focus on our own works and not to compare ourselves, and what we do, with others (6:4). However, the one theme I see all throughout Scripture is that of working for salvation.

In Exodus and especially Leviticus, there are many chapters dedicated to offerings. The Israelites were given specific instructions on how and what to offer to God for forgiveness of sin, in times of distress, and as thanksgiving. It was a lot of work! The details are so specific that I’m sure it was overwhelming––not to mention how often they had to perform these sacrifices. They were constantly working.

And then things changed. Someone came Who did all the work for us, in advance. He came and gave us freedom from the constant work for our forgiveness. Christ came and died for our sin and became the ultimate, final sacrifice for us. This doesn’t mean that we can or should just sit idly by and do nothing with our lives (Luke 9:23), but it does mean that the constant work for our salvation has been done for us. In this way, no one can take credit for the work that has been done except God Himself. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:8–10, emphasis mine). And once we’re saved, it’s still not us doing the work for His kingdom! He is working in us! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20, emphasis mine). “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

dbr2God reminds us in Galatians that we are no longer slaves, but sons (4:7). Slaves have to work for their master’s approval. But we are sons and daughters. Children do not work for their Father; He has an inheritance for them. Once we are saved, we are free in Christ. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). However, this freedom does not excuse us to do whatever we want. If we are children of God, His Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16); if His Spirit lives in us, then our lives should be reflecting that (Romans 8:9). This freedom He gives allows us to rest in the assurance of our salvation (Hebrews 10:22).

This month, as we’re focusing our theme on careers and work, let’s not forget our main work, which is brought about in us by the Holy Spirit, and is to be for God’s glory.

By Lisa Grimenstein

Suggested Reading for June

JUNE 1 Ex 33-36
JUNE 2 1 Kings 1-4
JUNE 3 Ps 63-65
JUNE 4 Prov 1
JUNE 5 Jer 47-52
JUNE 6 Luke 7-8
extra2JUNE 7 Gal 4-6
JUNE 8 Ex 37-40
JUNE 9 1 Kings 5-9
JUNE 10 Ps 66-68
JUNE 11 Prov 2-3
JUNE 12 Lamentations
JUNE 13 Luke 9-10
JUNE 14 Eph 1-3
JUNE 15 Lev 1-3
JUNE 16 1 Kings 10-13
JUNE 17 Ps 69-71
JUNE 18 Prov 4
JUNE 19 Ezek 1-6
JUNE 20 Luke 11-12
JUNE 21 Eph 4-6
JUNE 22 Lev 4-6
JUNE 23 1 Kings 14-18
JUNE 24 Ps 72-74
JUNE 25 Prov 5-6
JUNE 26 Ezek 7-12
JUNE 27 Luke 13-14
JUNE 28 Phil 1-2
JUNE 29 Lev 7-9
JUNE 30 1 Kings 19-22

This year’s Bible reading plan was borrowed from  (To correspond with the 2009 year, we have included actual dates for your referral. You may choose to use the above site, instead.)

June 2009 Desktop Image

If you’d like to have our theme image on your desktop this month, simply click on “standard” or “wide-screen” underneath the photo, then right click on the image and select “set as background.” Note: laptops are generally wide-screen, and desktops are usually standard images.

Pierce my heart in choosing a career, 2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

June 2009, Edited by Davonne Parks – Standard or Wide-screen

God’s Workers

devo1“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” -2 Timothy 2:15

Our focus in June is “Pierce my heart in choosing a career.” I’m sure most of you reading this can relate with me back when we were little girls, always dreaming of the things we wanted to be when we grew up. Doctors, teachers, veterinarians––and the ever-popular princess––among the most common! Now that we are older and have more developed personalities, we probably have a better idea about what we’d really like to have a career in. But, if you are like me, choosing a career can be a tough thing!

Some of you may be thinking, I have plenty of time to think about that, but it is never too early to start planning and working toward your goal. The earlier you can begin taking classes and/or training to reach your job of choice, the easier it will be in the long run. First, we should tackle…reality!

Reality Check

For a girl who loves fairytales and “in-my-perfect-world” scenarios, reality has always been a bit of an enemy to me. But, I’ve come to see that reality is really much better than anything I can imagine! In reality, yes, any workplace can have tough situations and temptations at times, but God is always our Rock and Strength (Psalm 18:1-3), and will never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Cor. 10:13). I love to remember that! Let’s look at some very real temptations that may come up in certain careers:

  • Gossiping and bad-mouthing other employees
  • Lying about your accomplishments / taking credit for someone else’s work
  • Feeling the “need” to make more money and be “bigger” and “more important”
  • Pressure to attend immoral after-hours parties or activities
  • Exposure to foul and obscene language
  • Placing work before your family, the church, and God

And there are many more! At first glance, it sounds like I’m trying to be negative about careers, but it’s important to be prepared when choosing a good career. You must take into consideration the effects a certain job will have on you and those in your life. Study God’s word and find out the truth about how negative influences can affect you (I Cor. 15:33; 2 Cor. 6:14; I Timothy 6:10) so that you can be prepared and be an unashamed worker for God.

devo2For some of you, your career choices may seem limited, but you can remain steadfast in the Lord, and withstand the trials you’ll face! For others, you may be blessed with a wide range of career opportunities, and you should choose wisely! Simply having a job is a blessing these days, but we must not forget to keep reality in view and be constant in representing Him.

Christians: Stand Up or Sit Back?

To prepare ourselves, we can assume that there will be temptations. What are you going to do about it? You could go along and join in the sin, but you know that is not pleasing to God (Romans 12:2; James 4:17; I John 2:15). You could ignore the wrongs, but how would those in sin know how to get on the right path unless you kindly and lovingly talk to them? (I Thess. 5:14; 2 Thess. 3:13-15) Or…you could represent Christ (Galatians 2:20; Phil. 2:5).

Some coworkers may respond very well to your care and concern for their souls; however, others that you work for or with may not agree with you––but what is that to you? Should we not please God instead of men? (Galatians 1:10; Acts 5:29) It’s always important to stand up for Christ, even when it may be the unpopular thing. If you have to be in a career where there are immoral things and people around you, do not be afraid to be different! God has not given us a spirit of fear, and He will not leave us. (2 Tim. 1:7; Heb. 13:5-6) What a spectacular thought!

So Many Options!

We’ve prepared ourselves, girls. We know that there are always temptations, but that we can overcome them with God! Now, explore the amazingly wide world of careers and opportunities. Think about your talents, your likes, your dislikes, your weaknesses, your passions, and so on. If you can find a job that fits your personality and skill, that is wonderful!

Many women, however, choose to stay at home. And, although there is no monetary pay, this is also a good “career,” especially when having a family! Stay-at-home moms keep the house presentable, cook, and spend extra time with their children, which enables them to follow God’s plan and command for the family (Deut. 6:6-7; Proverbs 22:6; Titus 2:4-5). Many women who stay at home are able to run small home-based businesses that are successful, too!

devo5When choosing your career, make sure it is something you will enjoy. Often, people are asked why they do what they do, and they reply “for the pay.” But, in my opinion, it is greater to do something you truly are passionate about. That way, you will be able to use the talents God has given you to their fullest, and you will be joyful in using them! This doesn’t excuse us, however, from being joyful in our work and using our talents when in a job that is not our passion.

Working Full-Time…For God

Once, our preacher gave a sermon on “A Christian’s Job Description,” and that title sticks out to me in this devotional. Of course, we should never think of being a Christian as a “job,” but rather, a great privilege! If you are already a Christian, realize that you have the most important, wonderful, rewarding, and blessed “job” in the entire world! How humbling that is, knowing that God has allowed us to have such a position. You are working for the best Boss in the world, too!

As in every job, your attitude is extremely important! Here are some “job requirements” from the Bible that our preacher shared:

1.Must work reverently and respectfully (Phil. 2:12)
2.Must work confidently, knowing that God works in you (Phil. 2:13)
3.Must work willingly (Phil. 2:14)
4.Must work inoffensively, giving it your best to do what is right (Phil. 2:15)
5.Must work steadfastly, continuing on (Phil. 2:16)
6.Must work cheerfully (Phil. 2:17-18)

Those are all wonderful ways to work in any job, but are even more needed in being a Christian and serving such a great, powerful, merciful God.

Oh, Career! Where are you?

Finding a career you will enjoy may take some time, but don’t become discouraged! If you already know what you’d like to do, that is great! Have patience, have fun, and enjoy having a career one day, Lord willing. It doesn’t have to be just a “job.” It can be a place in your life where you find happiness and opportunity! Most importantly, let’s always remember to seek to please God first in whatever careers we may consider (Matt. 6:33), and never forget our most important “employment”: serving others, serving Christ, and obeying our Father in heaven.

By Hannah Smith

Pierce my heart in choosing a career

desktopstandardljune092 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

This summer

Welcome to summer! June is a special month for us, because it marks the anniversary of our premier date – we’ve been an official online magazine for exactly one year! Articles from our very first issue, “Pierce my heart in the Son” can be found here, and you can go here to choose any of our back issues to read.

We’re focusing on our futures this summer, beginning with choosing a career this month, continuing with our college edition next month, and closing with a theme in August that’s dedicated to preparing our hearts and minds for marriage. Whether or not you’ve entered these stages, you can benefit from the articles, since some articles cover the basics we need to know in advance, and other articles are more in-depth.

We also have several articles that will appear throughout the summer about one girl whose entire life changed because of one decision she made, and how she dealt with the consequences of her actions. She shares her story in hopes that you will learn from her mistakes, and consider the consequences of your actions and how they can affect your future.

This month

On the spiritual front, we’ll discuss the work that Jesus has already done for us, the type of work Christ wants in His church, how to be involved by volunteering for summer activities at your church, and how to keep a godly attitude in a work environment.

We’ll also offer a list of growing careers to think about pursuing, and we’ll talk about how to conduct ourselves in the workplace, with articles discussing the interview, how to dress on the job, the inappropriateness of flirting, and how to handle work stress. Plus, we’ll give suggestions for fast and healthy breakfasts and lunches – perfect for busy work days.

Gifts by Hannah ColleyThe issue of time management will be addressed, and will hopefully encourage you to seek balance in your own life. We’ll also review a book written by a girl when she was just sixteen years old – this girl made great use of her time to be able to write a book amid tests, school activities, and everything else she had going on in her life.

Fun in the sun

Most of us love being out in the sun, but there are very real dangers in sunbathing. We’ll discuss the dangers of the sun, and tell how to keep our skin safe and healthy while enjoying the fresh air. We’ll also give suggestions for getting a tan without the risk, complete with budget-friendly product recommendations.

No money for a vacation? Try a staycation! Whether your family has a free Saturday, a long weekend, or an entire week to spend together, there are plenty of activities you can plan on doing right in your own backyard, so be sure to read our Generation Gap article this month (you’ll also find a few ideas that will work great when babysitting!).


We have a devotional book to give away this month, complete with short daily devotionals – perfect for the working woman! Check back in the upcoming weeks for more details.

Your job

Whether you’re looking for a lifelong career, or just hoping to score a summer job to save for college, remember to strive to glorify God first, and to be an example to others around.

Colossians 3:17a: “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord.”

Working for Him,
Davonne Parks