10 tips: Study God’s Word

10. Put time into studying. Don’t rush through Bible reading just so you can say you read. Make time to read, and take your time so you can fully benefit from studying God’s Word.

9. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted. Turn off the radio and TV. Go to a place were you won’t be interrupted or get distracted. Make sure you can stay focused on what you are doing.

8. Study with friends. Gather some friends and study together. You can help each other get through chapters. But make sure to have a personal study, too, so you won’t rely on your friends to study. However, make sure you’re studying God’s Word––don’t get distracted with unrelated issues.

7. Figure it out. If you don’t understand a verse, go back and re-read the chapter. If you still don’t understand, ask someone to help you understand.

6. Read something you’re interested in. Find a favorite story or event that you enjoyed hearing about as a child.

5. Take notes. Jot down any questions about the reading so you don’t forget to ask about them later. Writing a summary is also a good way to help you understand what you are reading. Also write down verses you love and memorize them or post them where you’ll see them often.

4. Read regularly. Skipping days when busy is very easy to do, and if we’re not careful, before we know it we won’t be reading at all anymore. It’s important to make study a priority even when we’re busy. In no time it will be a part of your normal routine.

3. Have a plan. Decide to read through a certain book, then do it in small amounts at a time. This will allow for much more learning than just reading random pages each time.

2. Make sure you are studying for the right reasons and not just because that’s what you are supposed to do. Pray that you will desire to study God’s Word so that you can become a more mature Christian.

1. Pray before studying. Ask God to help clear your mind of distractions and open your heart to understand and love His Word.

By Kim Cook


  1. Great list! These are very useful tips, and I am taking them to heart; thank you for posting!

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