Introduction to Christian Evidences

Is Christianity logical and verifiable? Is it reasonable? Is it true?

We are going to begin a series on the evidences for Christianity. The Christian religion is an historical religion based on historical facts (see, for example, Luke 2:1-5 and Luke 3:1-2, where specific historical names, places, and events are mentioned). Christianity is not the same as mythology, superstition, supposition, or mere cultural tradition. Christianity is based upon facts.

Is it right to “check things out,” to investigate, to question? Actually it is wrong not to! (see John 7:16-17; Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1). God wants us to be sure, to ascertain, and to know the certainty of the things recorded in the Bible. Biblical faith is based upon an acceptance of the facts the Bible states (Romans 10:17).

There are many philosophies in our land today, about which the Christian must be aware.

  1. RELATIVISM: The relativist believes there is no such thing as absolute or objective truth, that “truth” in only what each individual perceives it to be.
  2. AGNOSTICISM: The agnostic believes one cannot know whether there is a God or not.
  3. ATHEISM: Atheists deny the existence of God. However, the atheist cannot know for sure there is no God; he must believe that. Unless one had all knowledge or could be everywhere present, he could not know there is no God somewhere. So atheism is a belief system.
  4. PANTHEISM: The pantheist believes that God is in all, and all is God; that God is the world, and the material world is but an illusion; man’s true self is God. These are the views of the New Age movement, as well as certain forms of Hinduism and Zen Buddhism. (This is what many in Hollywood seem to believe.)
  5. SKEPTICISM : This is the belief that all things held to be true are questionable or doubtful, that nothing can be absolutely known for sure. Thus all religious beliefs, according to this philosophy, are unsure, and nothing is certain.
  6. SUBJECTIVISM: This is the belief that all knowledge is subjective and relative, not absolute or objective.
  7. THEISM: This is the belief that there is one eternal God, who is a personal Being and really exists; that the world is a created reality and that absolute truth exists and can be known; and that there is a moral standard determined by the laws of the Creator to which man is subject.

Let us ask some important questions:

  1. DOES THE BIBLE TEACH THERE IS SUCH A THING AS ABSOLUTE TRUTH? The answer: Yes! The Bible affirms the reality and certainty of truth (see John 14:6; Psalm 100:5; Ephesians 4:15; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 2:3-8). There is a distinction between truth and error, right and wrong.
  2. CAN TRUTH BE KNOWN? Again the answer is “Yes!” The Bible affirms that truth can be recognized, learned, known, understood, and believed (see Proverbs 22:17-21; John 8:31-32; 2 Peter 1:12).
  3. WHAT CAN WE KNOW? The Bible affirms that we can know God (John 17:3), that God exists (Psalm 46:10), that our Redeemer lives (Job 19:25), that Christ’s doctrine is of God the Father (John 7:17), and many, many other things!
  4. SHOULD WE HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD? Again the Bible affirms, “Yes!” We can and should, in fact, we must, have knowledge of the things of God (see Habakkuk 2:14; Ephesians 4:17-18; 2 Peter 3:18). In many places in the Bible, “know” and “believe” are used together (see John 8:24, 28; John 10:37-38; John 17:21-23).

“Faith” is “belief.” But why do we believe what we believe? The only correct reason for believing what we do is because it is true!

Christianity is based on the testimony of eyewitnesses (see Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-3; and many other passages). Apologetics is the field of study that means to make a defense. It is right, and it is required, that we make a proper defense of the things which we believe. The Bible tells us to “prove” (that is, to test, to examine, to scrutinize, to approve as right and worthy) in such passages as 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 1 John 4:1.

Faith, as used in the Bible, is our confidence regarding what we hold to be true, and what we hold to be true is based on evidence (Hebrews 11:1). Thus faith is the assurance we have concerning that for which we hope, and the proof we have concerning that which is not seen with the naked eye. Faith is not a “leap in the dark” (as it has sometimes been described), but rather, faith is a step into the light; it is our conviction based on overwhelming evidence regarding what is true. Something is not true because we believe it; we believe it because we have assurance it is true!

We invite all to examine the evidence for Christianity. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to express concerns. The purpose of this column will be to answer questions and give assurance. Christianity can be examined, tested, and verified – of this we are certain. There are many Bible verses cited above, and these are recorded so that you may look into the Bible and check for yourself what it says.

In the columns that will follow we will be looking at such questions as: Is there a God? Is the Bible really God’s Word? Is Jesus the Son of God? Is Jesus the only way of salvation? Are the things the Bible says about Jesus really true, and did they happen (like the virgin birth, His death for sin, His resurrection from the dead)? What is God like? What about heaven and hell?

Faith never has anything to fear from honest investigation. Indeed, the deeper you look into the evidences for Christianity, the stronger will be your faith. If you have questions, please ask. We will address your questions, your interests, and your concerns. If you are an unbeliever, all we ask is that you keep an open mind. Give us an opportunity to explain the Christian faith.

Our faith gives meaning, purpose, and direction to live. We invite everyone to come with us on this journey as we explore the reasons of belief.

By John M. Brown


  1. Thank you for posting this. I enjoyed reading it and the verses. 🙂

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